Ok, whoever thought up the concept of summer camp is a real genius. Don't get me wrong, my kids are my world, I love them infinitely, but I haven't been able to get anything done since school ended! Seriously, almost nothing!! And I have a lot of stuff that needs doing so it's been a bit of a problem. But today the clouds opened up, the sun came out, the angels sang, there was even a rainbow, ok, not really but it just seemed like that because camp started today and I could actually get things done!! Work that can literally take a week when they're home I got done in one day today. And the cherry on top is that they actually had fun at camp. So, I had seven hours of kid free time and bonus!! it was guilt free cause they were happy!
So, I'm in a crazy good mood. What feels better then really being able to check things off your list that have been sitting there for weeks? So, yeah the patterns that I've been talking about for months, here are the covers! all ready for the printer, they should, if the stars line up right, be shipping out to shops in about two weeks. I shouldn't be so relieved cause I'm not quite there but the almost there feels too good not to celebrate sooooo I'm giving away one each of the new patterns above and one of the fatquarter stacks of the winner's choice from the post below from the Fat Quarter Shop. So, leave a comment and celebrate the beauty that is summer camp with me!!!!
***NOTE*** Thank you to you wonderful people who pointed out the spelling errors!! Corrections made...